Assalamualaikum and Hello readers! :D
actually there's nothing to write about but as the title given, NAK TULIS JUGA makanya, aku nak tulis juga. NAK TULIS APA? err. aku pun tak tau.
tapi apa yg terlintas and bermain difikiran sekarang ialah about LIFE IN KMPk. hee. sure macam bosan je kan. TAPI ada aku kesah? bagi aku tak de la bosan sgt. sbb one week after orientation week ni mmg agk best bagi aku. kenapa?
okay. semua pasti dah tau matriks ni pra-university en. so, life dia macam half university and half lagi macam zaman sekolah. but more to university. why? because nak belajar takde dah cikgu nak ajar kau satu persatu terang satu persatu. kalau ada pun, boleh kira berapa orang je. for those yg dah masuk U, sure tau hows going on when LECTURE kan? haha. time lecture paling aku risau sbb lecturer sgt pantas bg information about this and that. takut tak dapat catch up en. some lecturer bg tanya soalan time lecture but some tak. so, kepada yg tak bg, time kteorg boleh tanya ialah time TUTORIAL. tutorial macam class and akan ada lecturer yg masuk for each subject. sbb bilangan tutomates yg sikit, its easy for us utk catch up balik apa yg kteorg tak dpt dari lecture. next, ada PRACTICAL class. this special only for science subjects. kteorg kena masuk lab and buat experiment. thats all for practical :)
next, half zaman sekolah macam kena pakai kad matriks for whole day sepanjang dlm kawasan KMPk. then, kena duduk asrama yg disediakan. lain tu, takde sgt lah samanya. thats y aku cakap more to university en.
roomates, first kenal mmg mcm mcm tanggapan aku pada setiap roomates aku. tapi, thanked God, after our orientation week ended, each of us makin kenal diri masing masing. makin rapat and ya, we're loved to share stories about everything but the most popular stories were about GHOST. haha. mcm apa je en. dah la duduk asrama, berani pulak nak cerita benda mcm ni. tapi, kteorg pilih masa yg sesuai lah if nak share cerita seram ni. kteorg selalu breakfast and dinner sama sama. that's made our relationship became closer. ohh. nama dorang aku tak bgtau pun lagi kan. HANA, MALIN AND ATIQ. hee. aku pendekkan je nama dorang. and aku harap dorang dapat pggl aku TEN. selama seminggu ni kteorg selalu bincang pasal pelajaran, help each other. kongsi buku and mcm mcm lagi lah. and harap kteorg akan kekal rapat and boleh saling mempercayai. :)
urm, lagi....ohh subjects! aku ambil Jurusan Sains Module 1, so, subjects yg aku ambil BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS and MATHS for teras. and wajib ada lagi 4. tak payah tau la kot :P so, for each subjects, there will be 3 lecturers yg akan ajar kteorg. for LECTURE, TUTOR AND PRACTICAL. penat lah otak nak ingat mcm mcm. hehe. and ya, this was the first time matriks tukar cara pembelajaran. first time BIO and PHYSICS disamakan. so, lecturers mengharapkan pelajar keluaran MODULE 1 ni dapat achieve excelent result lah. pointer nak berapa? taknak byk, nak 4.0 je. aduss. haha. harap aku salah seorang yg dapat. AMIN.
selain itu, haa... nak cerita pasal blok kediaman aka asrama bg pelajar ye. hehe. aku dapat blok Seri Kerian and aku sgt bersyukur sbb dpt blok ni. sbb? kedudukan blok ini sgt lah strategik, for me. walaupun jauh sikit dari dewan besar and masjid, tapi dekat dgn lecture hall, bilik tutor and lab. hee. cafe pun sebelah je. kan senang. seberang pulak blok lecturer. aish. best best. and ya, lagi bagus blok jauh dari masjid sbb lagi banyak pahala dpt dgn setiap langkah nak ke masjid kan :P
kata kata terakhir :
for those yg pernah memandang MATRIKS bukan hala tuju selepas SPM, think again. kat sini bukan nya budak budak yg KONON result teruk tak dpt masuk U or apa, but theres a lot of straight A+ or A/A- students kat sini. competition tetap berlaku dgn sihatnya ye. HEE.
last but not least,
kepada semua yg bergelar STUDENT, goodluck! :D
1 comment:
yess !!
mmg susah laa yunk duk u nihh ..
tmbh2 lagi .. everything kne wat seniri . :P
btw .. good luck sygs !
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